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The Mission of any church is, in reality, a continuation of Christ’s earthly ministry (John 14:12). Jesus revealed that redeeming men’s souls and giving God the glory was His purpose for coming to earth. “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” (Matthew 18:11). Jesus entrusted His disciples with the responsibility to preach God’s Word throughout the world.


Today, it is our Pastor’s responsibility to preach the Word of God as a means of bringing others to Christ. Key components of his mission for our church include:honoring our seniors, developing our youth, and strengthening the families in our congregation. Although we have set aside a special day each year(Elders’ Day) to honor our senior members, we strive to honor them every day. Both individually and collectively, our elders deserve respect for the wisdom they have amassed based on their life experiences. They endured hardships in order to pave the way for succeeding generations.


E – Evangelical
L – Loving
D – Devoted
E – Empowered
R – Revered
S – Sanctified


At the opposite end of the spectrum, our Pastor is striving to develop our youth. .It is our responsibility to introduce them to the Word of God at the earliest possible age and to nurture their maturity in Christ, so that they may withstand the many temptations of the world. We also must be particularly careful in our selection of role models. We must, as a congregation, take a more active role in molding our youth and young adults by providing for the spirituality of our young people with the additional tasks of enhancing their spiritual growth and broadening their knowledge of God.


Last but not least is the mission of strengthening our families. One can look around and see that people are connected all over this church. That is why it is so important for us all to reach across lines and help one another out, regardless of surname, appearance, or resources. The Pastor is striving to unify our congregation. It is time for us to stop “playing at church” and become a church where a new member can walk through our doors and feel only love, harmony, and respect from the people within and not feel like an outsider.

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