Liberty Grace Church of God began in August, 1978 at 3019 Baker Street in the living room of our Pastor and Founder, Rev. Eunice M. King. It was there that a small group of baptized believers, formerly of Little Ivory Temple Christian Community Church exercised their high hopes of using their religious experience in the kingdom-building of God. Under the pastoral leadership of Rev. King, other individuals were appointed to serve as deacons, trustees, ushers, and missionaries. Brother Elias King was appointed Church Treasurer.
For five weeks, worship services were held on Friday nights at Little Ivory Temple C.C. Church where Rev. Edith Wilson was the Pastor. Sister Mabel Sandlian initiated contact with Bishop Monroe Saunders, who was in London, regarding the use of his building located at 3400 Copley Road on the corner of Liberty Heights Avenue. It was the desire of the newly formed church to rent the sanctuary for worship services and three other rooms for various church activities. Bishop Saunders flew from London and met with the representative group and responded positively to their request. He later revealed that their request for the use of his church was the only one he felt God’s sanction to act on affirmatively. Following Bishop Saunders’ meeting with his board, he granted the newly formed group permission to rent the entire building.

The Church was named Liberty Grace Church of God. The name was in compliance with God’s command that the church be named after the street on which it is located. Liberty signifies the “freedom of choice to worship as we experience the Holy Spirit.” , and grace is our unmerited gift from God. Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. [“2 Corinthians 3:17”]
On Sunday, October 5, 1978, Liberty Grace Church members and friends marched into their new church home. On that historic march were the father of our Founder, Brother Floyd Hill, and the Rev. George Alexander. When we reached the door of the church, Pastor Eunice M. King prayed a prayer that those who were present will never forget. She asked God to be the Pastor and enter first; she would follow, because she did not know how to pastor without Him.
Several auxiliaries were organized. Among them were the Pastor’s Aid, the Youth and Young Adult Ushers, several singing groups, the Nurse’s Unit and the Flower Circle. Through divine inspiration, the commitment of the Liberty Grace Church family, and the Pastor’s leadership, several improvements, renovations, and additions were made, including: a church library, a bookstore, a Tape Ministry, and Children’s Church.
Pastor Eunice King desired that Liberty Grace be spiritually informed. She placed great emphasis on the Sunday School, the New Members Class, and Vacation Bible School. Liberty Grace Church of God was further blessed with the calling of our founder’s son, Reverend Terris A. King. On August 13, 1989, he was ordained as a minister, and he has served prestigiously in that position. On Sunday, August 21, 1994, Reverend Terris A. King was installed as Co-Pastor of the Liberty Grace Church of God, after being given the charge by Reverend Emmitt Burns. Reverend Eunice M. King departed this life on August 30, 2007. In October 2007, Reverend Terris A. King was installed as Pastor of the Liberty Grace Church of God, after being given the charge by Reverend Herman Ford, Pastor Emeritus of Fountain Baptist Church.
We pay tribute to our pastor, and all faithful members for their vision, courage, and sacrifice. They have laid a foundation on which we can build. Had they not planned, we would have nothing to nourish and nothing to harvest. We can now dedicate our lives to emulating the teachings of Jesus Christ and to this church which was organized for the purpose of saving souls and praising God.

On October 1, 2023,
Liberty Grave Church of God celebrated
its 45th Church Anniversary.